Detective Comics #1060 review

This issue Batman’s latest mystery deepens as the Riddler’s questions fill the airwaves, and citizens all around Gotham continue to commit crimes for no apparent reason. With a few more crimes, and more unanswered questions, will Batman figure this one out, or be left floundering?

The story opens on Bruce and Judge Donoven having dinner together. Bruce is using the date to get a little information out of her, pressing for details about the courthouse attack. Like in the last issue, I really enjoy Tamaki using Bruce himself to do some investigating. Here though, it feels like he doesn’t really make a lot of headway. Instead, they talk more about their motivations for trying to be a force of good in Gotham.

I like that conversation, but it leads directly to an issue I have with this particular story, which is that it feels like Tamaki has a goal in mind for the arc, but that goal isn’t really highlighted in a way that makes it feel important. We’re told Riddler’s question multiple times, told that Bruce still has a heart for the city despite its darkness, told that innocents are in danger and in need of Batman, but the narrative has a hard time actually connecting these themes with the events going on. It doesn’t have to feel overt, but many times they’re said then totally dropped until a much later point in the story, which takes the legs out from under those themes.

The mystery itself also struggles with that hollowness. While Bruce goes out of his way to question the judge, and is seen investigating, most of the clues and answers are given to him by outside sources, specifically Deb Donoven, Oracle and Talia. Deb’s part in this makes sense, she’s a reporter herself and could go off and question people in a different way than Bruce or Batman could, and I like that connection. It’s Oracle and Talia flat out giving him answers and clues that I wasn’t the biggest fan of.

It feels like the story is leaning on these ancillary characters to tell Bruce –and the readers– these major puzzle pieces and clues, instead of showing Bruce doing that research. He is doing research, and his own investigation, so it would make sense for him to put the pieces together. I can only guess it’s done in an attempt to have him conversing with someone. But it makes moments where Batman admits to not seeing a connection read less like he’s having a conversation and more like he can’t figure things out and has to be told them. Especially when you look at Talia telling him to pay attention to Riddler.

Speaking of Riddler, I’m disappointed that he doesn’t have more of a presence in the overall story. He’s less a threat, and more a boogeyman, speaking to Gotham’s citizens and, in this issue, leaving threatening blackmail letters. There’s so much potential for Riddler as this on the air influencer to do more than just play with Batman, even over the air. To be built into this real force, and we’re just not seeing it.

The art too is something I keep going back and forth on. There are some shots that Reis creates that are stunning. The moment where Batman does drop in on Talia is really lovely, it’s atmospheric and highlights a gorgeous classic crouching Batman figure.

But then there are moments that don’t feel like they have as much care built into them, like Bruce suddenly running off into a park after his date. He feels a little inconsistent here, and when the book has many moments of really lovely art juxtaposed with some that feel less focused it further hinders the overall enjoyment.

One more element of the story that feels inconsistent is the transitions. The narrative is littered with awkward shifts, from Bruce leaving his date to just bolt through a park for no reason, to the story shifting from him talking with Deb to suddenly on the line with Oracle in the Garage. They’re either jarring or don’t quite make sense in context, and it further serves to muddle what’s going on.

With one more issue of this arc to go, I’m really just hoping for a satisfying conclusion. Something to bring all these disparate elements together to tell a full story and wrap things up.

Score: 4/10

Gotham Girl Backup

The backup continues Claire’s story started last month. In addition to trying to cope in the world, and figure out the mystery behind the Gotham Girl blog, she now has to figure out who killed her friend, Andre and why.

Something I really like about this backup is that it’s gotten me invested in Claire herself. I feel for her, and her plight, and there are moments I can identify with her as well as she struggles to just keep moving forward despite setback after setback. Her story is sad, and interesting, and sometimes funny, and feels very real. It’s kind of everything I want out of the main title too, just enough focus on who the characters are and their plight to get me invested.

I’ll echo last month’s suggestion that if you do want to read more about Gotham Girl, this is a great backup to go to.

Score: 5/10

Recommended If

  • The Citizen criminal mystery is still keeping your interest
  • You wanted a little more Talia this week
  • The Gotham Girl story is a great read


While this issue builds on the mystery started in the last, it generally feels lacking. I want more investment in the characters, more Riddler, and more of Batman and Bruce actually getting answers. Instead, much of that is told, and the story almost seems to fly by. Hopefully things will wrap up in a more satisfying way next month.

Overall Score: 4/10

DISCLAIMER: DC Comics provided Batman News with a copy of this comic for the purpose of this review.