Ram V reveals that his run on Detective Comics will end with issue #1089

Way back in the Summer of 2022, writer Ram V started his run on Detective Comics with issue #1062. Since then, the title has been told as one continuous story, focusing on Batman’s struggle against the mysterious Orgham family. V has described the narrative as “operatic”, with its structure being broken up into acts that even include an intermission whose arc wrapped up this month. With that and the first two acts concluded, V has announced on X (formerly known as Twitter) that his run and the “Nocturne” storyline will conclude with issue #1089:

According to V, this was always the plan for the series and he’s expressed gratitude towards DC for letting him tell his story over almost 30 issues. Assuming a monthly release schedule between now and then, the final issue will come out some time in September of 2024. There is no word yet of what the plans are for the title afterwards, or who will be taking over.

V himself will continue at DC, though he does not say what his next project will be. However, he does mention that his earliest discussions with DC editorial involved what he might do with Nightwing and that he had a “cool idea” for the character, but is keeping that in his “back pocket” for now and isn’t planned for 2024.